Little bit cakey there girls |
So cakey make-up is not a good luck, I see it all the time and sometimes my make-up goes a little cakey too...I hate it. But we all make the mistake sometimes, when you see yourself in your mirror you might look fine but go out in the sun and see your reflection and you can tell so the best thing is to do your make-up with natural light from the sun...If possible, if not use a bright light that's white not a orange/yellow colour, this changes the colour of your skin.
Before you start make sure your face is clean, you want to work on a smooth surface, then apply a moisturiser and a primer (optional) I don't use primer I find it too pricey, but a moisturiser works for me, after applying the moisturiser I wait till it has full dried on my face before I apply a small amount of foundation; if it takes to long to dry you can dab it with a soft dry cloth. I squirt one pump of foundation that matches my skin tone on the back of my hand sometimes two pumps if I'm having a break out and I need a little more coverage. The I use my index finger to pick up small amounts of the foundation and dot it around my face first around my eyes/higher cheeks, chin, nose, fore head and then rub in gently till my skin tone is evened out, I then use a concealer on any really bad blemishes, spots or dark circles, my concealer is a similar colour to my foundation so it's easy to blend together. I use my index finger again just dabbing it on the areas I need, don't wipe your finger across it dab it as this gives more coverage. I then leave my foundation to dry out for a couple of minutes then use a really big fluffy brush and some loose translucent powder and dab it across my entire face, making sure there's only a small amount on the brush this is usually when people make it too cakey, but a small amount works fine, it stops you looking shiny and sets the foundation.
Contouring and highlighting; I don't always contour and highlight because I can't be bothered but when I do I use a small amount of a white eye shadow and put it on the highs of my cheek bones and blend it in with a big fluffy brush. After this I use an angle brush to contour my cheek bones with some bronzer that's not to dark since I am very fair skinned I also use a slight bit on my t-zone remember to blend it with the rest of my face. Some times I will then use a light pink blush on the apple of my cheeks making them stand out,
(Optional) I don't do this but many people do...Setting spray-helping to keep your make-up on for longer and setting it together but I find these to expensive and I can't afford them.
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